elevating the wealth of women worldwide through entrepreneurship. 


Let me give you a lil back story on how this brand was birthed.

I came from a family that had it all. I grew up living a little girl’s fairytale, from 3 month vacations and first class travel but that all changed when my dad was sentenced to prison.

I witnessed that without a man in the house, neither was money.I was left confused but also curious. 

How could we go from having everything to literally nothing overnight?I later found out that is the difference between being rich & being wealthy.

Determined to create financial freedom for myself, I set up my business at the age of 21 and to my surprise scaled to a quarter of a million pounds within 12 months and have not slowed down since. 

Fast forward to today we support women in creating true financial freedom in a fun filling way, using our formula, “The WEALTH Method.”

I'm Izabella, Founder of

Her impact is like the current of an ocean contributing to all the waves made worldwide. When she expands, it ripples throughout the earth in contribution. She doesn’t just have money or a successful business…

She’s OF wealth as it is deep within her.

A woman of wealth walks where others don’t dare to go.
She will be the first millionaire in her bloodline.
She will be the one to create change in her industry.
She will be the one to leave a legacy.

There is great depth to a woman of wealth.

it’s a matter of WHEN.

It's not a matter of if...


Welcome into our WMN Of Wealth Mansion where we have everything you need to walk your way into true wealth that elevates the world.

Let’s take you on a tour on how we can support you :

Here you will find our WMN Of Wealth - Live Events.
This is where we meet in person for our one-day expansive experiences.

Floor One


learn more

learn more

Inside WEALTHDOM you learn the spirit of money & how to make money, manage money, and multiply money. You have the option to receive a master key to all 4 of these or purchase à la carte based on which one you’re most drawn to.

Floor two


view each doorway

financial dedication

A 6 Week 
Program To Manage Your Money (So It No Longer Masters You).

unlocks q3

financial domination

Start Making Your Money Work For You

unlocks q4

financial dreams

A 12 Week Program To Sell Out Next Launch.  


financial Devotion

An 8 Week Program To Engage The Power Of Peace & Prosperity. 


This floor is magic because it’s where we take WMN OF WEALTH around the world through our Business Retreats.
Each retreat has its own core theme with the intention of creating a luxurious and life changing experience for you and your business.

floor three


learn more

learn more

As we ascend to the fourth floor we invite you inside the WOW Mastermind, 6-month, exclusive experience for 6 figure service based entrepreneurs to scale their business in a strategic & soulful way. 

floor four


This is the space where you will find Izabella & her private clients. If you are interested in private mentorship you can knock on her door for more at 

floor five

private mentorship


wmn of wealth all rights reserved