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8 Week Training To Engage The Power Of Peace & Prosperity 

Hosted By WMN Of Wealth

This is NOT a money mindset programme.

This is NOT a step-by-step formula that promises to shift your “limiting beliefs”, or “unlock your true potential” through a series of affirmations.

That’s not what you need. That worked until it didn’t work anymore. I see you. And I see you, because I have been you.


This is NOT simply a rehashed & repackaged version of someone else's teachings.

I believe that you have been divinely led to right now, to this moment.

But what if I told you that

there are new depths to be taken to which will engage the power of peace & prosperity. 

You’ve tried every money mindset trick there is from the mantras to the meditations, from the visualizations to the “being the best version of yourself” 

8 Week Live Training To Engage The Power Of Peace & Prosperity 



This program isn't just for you — it is also for me.

If I am being honest with you, getting to this point of creating this programme has been a humbling process.

I always knew I never wanted to create just another “money mindset programme”, 
I just did not know what life would take me through to create something new. 
I've been stretched beyond what I believed I could hold and taken through trials which have tested my limits but as a by-product has ultimately led me to the creation of this program.

We will walk this path together, Queen.

Because you're ready for something deeper, and I'm here to take you on a journey you never thought possible. 

But be warned, if you're not ready for your spirit to be shaken then this programme is not for you. 

Something truly powerful. 


Are you ready for it?

(I know because I have done them all & they do work, until they stop working). 

Created as my answer to revolutionize your relationship with money so it is one of peace, power and prosperity. Financial Devotion has been designed to create waves in your business and beyond from the moment we begin together.


This is beyond any money program that is out there. 

Training Overview:


8 Financial Devotion Trainings 

Do You Really Have To Be An Energetic Match for Money?

Oh Queen, it's time to unlearn what we’ve been told about money. We've been fed lies and half-truths about how to achieve financial success, and it's time to break free from the “energetic match” narrative. Let’s look into what it really takes for you to be receptive to money. 


What God (Not A ‘Guru’) Really Has Got To Say About Money

Here’s the real tea : there are deep truths about money! This powerful training will take you on a journey to the depths of your soul, where you'll gain a deeper understanding of God's perspective on money and wealth so that you can align to them. 


Money Is Not My Master

Could you be fighting with your own expansion? Our training will teach you how to hold money in new ways, allowing you to release any control that it once had over you which may still be preventing you from fully embracing the abundance of it.


Dropping Into Your Internal Power With Money

Breakfree from the patterns that have been keeping you from your power, both from your own life and those passed down through generations too. This training will empower you to make choices that align with your inner peace, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or the allure of money.


The UNWANTED Expectations When Wealth Arrives

As you start to experience financial success, have you automatically taken on responsibilities that were never yours to begin with? Your generosity which was once a selfless act has now turned into an expectation that others put on you? Your relationships, once a source of support, now subconsciously strained by the weight of financial obligation. We are going to share with you how to navigate the ‘complexities’ of being a woman of wealth with grace and ease.


The Root Causes Of The Feast & Famine Cycle 

Ever felt like you can never seem to get ahead financially? It's time to uncover the hidden reasons behind why that is the case. In this training, we'll delve into the root causes of the feast and famine cycle of money and reveal how to break the cycle once and for all.


Learn how to navigate the delicate balance between your deepest desires and deepest fears, and gain a deeper understanding of how to hold both at the same time without being paralyzed by them. 


Handling Refund Requests With Class & Courage 

This is a chance to say goodbye to feeling flustered when receiving that “refund request” and hello to taking control with class & courage. This training is designed to empower & equip you in handling any refund requests from a state of not being triggered.

These trainings will provide you with a peaceful & prosperous perspective on being a WMN Of Wealth. 

How To Hold Everything & Nothing At The Same Time

*The order of these trainings are subject to change in the event Izabella has a download come through.


When you join Financial Devotion, you’ll gain access to:

INSIDER BONUS: Access to Izabella’s own personal financial prayers 

8 Trainings — each lasting approximately 90 minutes

Detailed key takeaways and notes to accompany the training drops

Total access to each of the trainings for the entire year.

INSIDER BONUS: 4x wealth audio activators 

 INSIDER BONUS: 4x money meditations

£3,000 VALUE


£1,000 VALUE

£2,000 VALUE



Total Value £6,000 +

There comes a time where a woman chooses peace over money as her greatest currency.

Is this YOUR time?


The Investment

payment plan

3 Payments of


pay in full

One-Time Payment of

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Starting 1st February 2023

Step into the world of financial devotion with Izabella, the founder of WMN Of Wealth, a leading business and money mentor for entrepreneurs.

From becoming obsessed with learning how to create true financial freedom, to mentoring hundreds of powerful women to do the same, Izabella has transformed the lives of countless others.

Izabella is a powerful guide in the world of creating sustainable success and wealth with her unique blend of soul shifts, financial education, and business guidance.

i'm ready

Meet Izabella

You’ve got questions?
We’ve got you covered.

Are these trainings run live with you or are they pre-recorded?

Financial Devotion is a comprehensive training program to elevate your financial literacy through a combination of heart-centered energetic work, and proven strategy to revolutionize your relationship to money. The program runs from 1st February 2022 to 15th March 2022 and will be delivered live.

What about if I cannot attend all the training live?

Do I gain access to Financial Devotion if I am a part of WEALTHDOM?

Are these trainings run live with you or are they pre-recorded?

Don't worry if you can't attend all the training live, all trainings will be recorded and added to your personal portal within 24 hours - we got you!

What about if I can not attend all the training live?

Do I gain access to Financial Devotion if I am a part of WEALTHDOM?

Are these trainings run live with you or are they pre-recorded?

What about if I can not attend all the training live?

Do I gain access to Financial Devotion if I am a part of WEALTHDOM?

If you are a member of WEALTHDOM™ you'll have exclusive access to Financial Devotion — an integral part of the WEALTHDOM™ experience.”


The Investment:

payment plan

3 Payments of


pay in full

One-Time Payment of

join financial devotion now

Transcend the space of wishing for wealth, as you step into a new level of self trust & wisdom.